Hammock BG, Ramírez-Duarte WF, Triana-García PA, Schultz AA, Avendano LI, Hung TC, White JR, Bong YT, Teh SJ (2020) The health and condition responses of Delta Smelt to fasting: A time series experiment, PLoS ONE 15(9), e0239358.
Mundy PC, Carte MF, Brander SM, Hung TC, Fangue N, Connon RE (2020) Bifenthrin exposure causes hyperactivity in early larval stages of an endangered fish species at concentrations that occur during their hatching season, Aquatic Toxicology 228, 105611.
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Lindberg JC, Tsai YJJ, Kammerer BD, Baskerville-Bridges B, Hung TC (2020) Spawning microhabitat selection in wild-caught delta smelt Hypomesus transpacificus under laboratory conditions, Estuaries and Coasts 43(1), 174-181.
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Kammerer BD, Hung TC, Baxter RD, Teh SJ (2016) Physiological effects of salinity on Delta Smelt, Hypomesus transpacificus, Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 42(1), 219-232